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GraphQL Integration

Icon LinkGraphQL Integration

The Fuel Network provides a GraphQL API Icon Link to query the blockchain. To get a better understanding of the underlying schema and other operations, you can visit the playground Icon Link for an interactive deep dive.

Icon LinkOperations

For its own purposes, the SDK creates custom operations based off of the API's schema and auto-generates TypeScript client code via codegen tools. The end result of this code generation are the operations available on the Provider , of which some are shown below:

const provider = await Provider.create(FUEL_NETWORK_URL);
const chain = await provider.operations.getChain();
const nodeInfo = await provider.operations.getNodeInfo();

Note that these operations primarily serve the needs of the SDK and the Provider's methods which can encapsulate calls to multiple operations, parse the responses, etc.

If your querying needs exceed what the Provider provides, we suggest you follow this same process and write your own custom query operations, e.g.:

query getChain {
  latestBlock {
    transactions {

Icon LinkMutations and subscriptions

For mutations and subscriptions, we strongly suggest that you communicate with the node via the Provider and do not write your own custom GraphQL operations because, in its methods, the Provider does additional processing before and after sending them to the node which might require detailed knowledge of various Fuel domain-specific topics.